Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Contact Info for Joel to mail letters and packages

Sgt. Joel Bell
TF Wings
A 7-17
APO AE, 09355

Fwd: hey

Sent from my iPhone
Dana Bell

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: hey

Well I just wanted to send out an update of me. I am still working nights and will until about april or may. My shift is 7pm to 7am. But i average 14 hours a day. My daily routine is wake up go to work, get off work, go workout/get on internet then shower and go to bed. There is nothing special going on over here. same stuff every day. But I am doing good. Just taking each day as it comes. Thanks for all the prayers

Thursday, January 1, 2009

FW: IMG00034-20081229-2046.jpg

I'm eating gerber baby food, liked it and made a mess trying to eat as much as I could.

First Post - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of our family and friends.

Latest update on Joel: He is working a lot of hours and everyday. So far he has not gotten 1 day off. He has already been gone for 1 week and 6 days. Jaden and I miss him terribly! Everytime he calls I let Jaden talk to his daddy and hear his daddy's voice.

I have moved in with my parents for a couple of months and then Jaden and I will be moving into a town-home with both of my sisters and their husbands. I will be working towards a teaching job and taking care of our big boy, Jaden.

Jaden is doing great. He is recovering from a cold but he has stayed happy through it all. He loves to baby talk, pull up and stand and watch everyone around him.

We had a nice Christmas and enjoyed time with my family and at PaPa Jack's house. We love you all and ask you to keep our family in your prayers.